Get several Military and Intel-Themed Nuggets Each Week
Here's what you'll get:
Every Friday, I send out an exclusive email with some of the most interesting and funny things I’ve found (or explored) that week with a veteran and active duty focus made for those who love and support our troops and service members. It could include information on a significant event in military and/or intel history, a humorous military joke, an update on a current event I'm following, something I'm doing that week in my regular life, a book I'm reading, a look at an upcoming interview, a reflection on a past episode and more. These “Combat Check-In” emails are only available if you subscribe to the e-mail newsletter.

What is this photo? This is Ryan flying in the front seat of an Apache helicopter in the snow back in the day. As Ryan likes to joke, he now flies a desk but stays connected to the veteran community and those who support veterans through the Combat Story podcast. This newsletter is a little taste of items that still keep Ryan's interest and all involve our veterans and the military and intel communities!